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SquashLevelsScore Mel Thomas's SquashLevel is : 154 - Click to goto the Website
Results Summary - Mel Thomas
Vs Result Score Game Date
Feyisayo DisuLOSTLADDERSquash13/02/2025
Feyisayo DisuLOST0-3Squash13/02/2025
9 - 159 - 1510 - 15
Feyisayo DisuLOSTLADDERSquash13/02/2025
Wendy SavageLOST0-3Racketball11/02/2025
4 - 1510 - 158 - 15
James GreenLOST0-3Squash09/02/2025
7 - 157 - 154 - 15
Jane SavageLOST0-3Racketball06/02/2025
7 - 159 - 153 - 15
Samuel GarbettWON3-0Squash05/02/2025
18 - 1615 - 916 - 14
Wendy SavageLOST0-3Squash22/01/2025
10 - 1510 - 1513 - 15
Wendy SavageLOST0-3Racketball15/01/2025
7 - 159 - 1510 - 15
Wendy SavageLOSTLADDERSquash15/01/2025
Olivia ClarkLOST1-3Squash03/01/2025
3 - 1515 - 137 - 1510 - 15
Jane SavageLOST0-3Racketball02/01/2025
4 - 156 - 1511 - 15
Sylvia McIntoshLOST0-3Racketball19/12/2024
7 - 158 - 157 - 15
Feyisayo DisuWONLADDERSquash14/12/2024
Feyisayo DisuWON3-0Squash14/12/2024
15 - 715 - 1315 - 6
Katy BruceLOST0-3Squash10/12/2024
5 - 1511 - 1511 - 15
Katy BruceLOSTLADDERSquash10/12/2024
Olivia ClarkLOST2-3Squash04/12/2024
3 - 156 - 1515 - 1215 - 711 - 15
Feyisayo DisuLOSTLADDERSquash20/11/2024
Feyisayo DisuLOST0-3Squash20/11/2024
13 - 1514 - 1610 - 15
Feyisayo DisuLOSTLADDERSquash20/11/2024
Paul ClarkeLOST0-3Squash06/11/2024
0 - 158 - 153 - 15
Paul ClarkeLOSTLADDERSquash06/11/2024
Paul ClarkeLOSTLADDERSquash06/11/2024
Katy BruceLOST0-3Squash18/10/2024
5 - 157 - 157 - 15
Peter StrongitharmLOSTLADDERSquash10/10/2024
Peter StrongitharmLOST0-3Squash10/10/2024
3 - 157 - 158 - 15
Katy BruceLOST0-3Squash26/09/2024
5 - 158 - 1510 - 15
Wendy SavageLOST0-3Squash03/09/2024
8 - 157 - 1510 - 15
Eddie GrayLOST0-3Squash23/08/2024
13 - 1510 - 157 - 15
Peter StrongitharmLOSTLADDERSquash07/08/2024
Peter StrongitharmLOST0-3Squash07/08/2024
0 - 156 - 152 - 15
John DaviesLOST0-3Squash24/07/2024
11 - 1513 - 1510 - 15
Patrick DawesLOST1-3Squash16/07/2024
5 - 1515 - 115 - 154 - 15
Katy BruceLOST0-3Squash05/07/2024
6 - 1510 - 155 - 15
John DaviesLOST0-3Squash26/06/2024
13 - 157 - 1512 - 15
Katy BruceLOST1-3Squash29/05/2024
7 - 1515 - 513 - 1511 - 15
Jane SavageLOST1-3Squash23/05/2024
6 - 1515 - 417 - 1911 - 15
Daniel FollettLOST0-3Squash10/05/2024
6 - 156 - 155 - 15
Daniel FollettLOST0-3Squash16/04/2024
4 - 157 - 156 - 15
Malcolm HoltonLOST0-3Squash09/04/2024
8 - 158 - 1510 - 15
Jane SavageLOST0-3Squash04/04/2024
9 - 156 - 155 - 15
Jane SavageLOST0-3Squash28/03/2024
8 - 1512 - 157 - 15
Jane SavageWONLADDERSquash28/03/2024
Jane SavageLOSTLADDERSquash28/03/2024
Evie BakerWON3-1Squash23/03/2024
11 - 1516 - 1415 - 1115 - 10
Ron BushellWON3-2Squash14/03/2024
13 - 1515 - 1214 - 1615 - 1315 - 11
Jane SavageLOST2-3Squash29/02/2024
13 - 159 - 1515 - 1315 - 1313 - 15
Ron BushellWON3-1Squash05/02/2024
15 - 1313 - 1515 - 915 - 12
Jane SavageLOST0-3Squash25/01/2024
6 - 1513 - 1512 - 15
Jane SavageLOSTLADDERSquash25/01/2024
Hannah SutcliffeWON3-0Squash25/01/2024
15 - 616 - 1415 - 8
Dale SutcliffeLOST0-3Squash24/01/2024
13 - 159 - 156 - 15
Wendy SavageLOSTLADDERSquash22/01/2024
Paul ThomasWONLADDERSquash12/01/2024
Paul ThomasWONLADDERSquash28/12/2023
Julie CommanderLOST1-3Squash07/12/2023
8 - 1511 - 1515 - 1113 - 15
Alexander BaileyWON3-0Squash30/11/2023
15 - 1315 - 1215 - 13
Julie CommanderWON3-2Squash08/11/2023
10 - 1515 - 1115 - 913 - 1515 - 9
Julie CommanderWON3-1Squash20/10/2023
15 - 1210 - 1515 - 415 - 13
Jane SavageLOST1-3Squash19/10/2023
15 - 129 - 1511 - 1510 - 15
Wendy SavageLOST0-3Squash10/10/2023
8 - 1512 - 1513 - 15
Patrick DawesLOST0-3Squash03/10/2023
15 - 1711 - 1514 - 16
Rob PalmerLOST0-3Squash26/09/2023
9 - 159 - 1511 - 15
Julie CommanderWON3-1Squash30/08/2023
13 - 1515 - 1115 - 715 - 515 - 5
Jane SavageLOST2-3Squash15/08/2023
15 - 1315 - 107 - 1511 - 15
Julie CommanderLOST2-3Squash30/05/2023
13 - 1515 - 815 - 810 - 1512 - 15
Des ReynoldsWON3-0Squash24/05/2023
16 - 1415 - 015 - 5
John McGonnellLOST2-3Squash04/05/2023
12 - 1515 - 129 - 1515 - 137 - 15
Wendy SavageLOST1-3Squash27/04/2023
12 - 1511 - 1516 - 1411 - 15
Vikki BendleLOST1-3Squash29/03/2023
8 - 158 - 1515 - 58 - 15

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