Contact Us
The club pay-phone number is 01822 615715
Club Committee
Committee Posts
- ContactChairman (Wendy Savage)
- ContactClub Secretary (Andy Marsh)
- ContactMembership Secretary (Wendy Savage)
- ContactTreasurer (Mel Thomas)
- ContactLeagues & Ladders Organiser (Peter Bond)
- ContactCompetitions Organiser (Simon Powell)
- ContactWomen’s Representative (Wendy Savage)
- ContactAcademy (Steve Mooney)
- ContactMaintenance Officer (Simon Powell)
- ContactWeb Development / IT Support (Mike Benstead)
- ContactClub Welfare Officer (Wendy Savage)
Click on any of the above for details, or click on "Contact" to send an enquiry online.

- Chair the AGM and committee meetings
- Point of contact for other organisations
- Produce a club action plan
Club Secretary

- Deal with any enquiries about the club
- Issue club rules
- Record committee meeting minutes
Membership Secretary

- Process membership applications and renewals
- Issue door keys and codes to members
- Setup members on the club website

- Day to day running of the club finances and accounts
- General financial planning in line with club initiatives
Leagues & Ladders Organiser

- Organise internal squash league and ladder
- Development initiatives

Steve Mooney
- Encourage a full complement of junior players, ideally ranging from age 7 to 18
- Organise weekly coaching sessions in a safe environment with "fun" being the paramount objective
- Identify young players with potential and nurture that potential in the correct direction
Web Development / IT Support

- Webpage Support
- Webpage Development
- Online booking support